Finesia Consulting

Weronika Jachniewicz

Management Board Member and Chief Financial Officer

Weronika Jachniewicz has a well-grounded knowledge in accounting and finance along with mutliple years of experience in its practical application. She developed her professional career in Finesia Consulting Sp. z o.o., where she started as junior accountant to become a chief accountant after a few years, overseeing the provision of all accounting services. Operational experience gained while servicing both international corporations as well as Polish start-ups, supported with a specialist-level education are her particular assets trully appreciated by the clients. Prior to Finesia she worked as a project manager in a media company, and spent an internship at the legal department of the Polish Ministry of European Integration. While still studing, she participated in a Polish-Canadian students exchange program. Paying attention to continous learning, besides completing her law education at the, National University of Ostroh Academy in Ukraine, she received her M.Sc. degrees from the Business Management Department and and European Integration Department of the University of Warsaw . She further deepened her expertise in finance and accounting at the post-graduate studies at the Finance Academy in Warsaw. She was granted a licence for providing accounting services by the Polish Ministry of Finance. Since 2011 she has been a memeber of Association of Chartered Certified Accountants in UK. In 2013 she was elected to the ACCA Member Council in Poland.

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